Tuesday, March 5, 2013

$100 000 000 000.00 - Whoa that's a lot of dough

***I think this is worth a 90***

If I had one hundred billion dollars, I would ensure three things.
First, I'd look after myself. Purchase a nice plot of land, maybe in Switzerland or British Columbia, and build an environmentally-friendly mostly self-sufficient burmed house, with rain collectors, roof gardens, solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal heating. I would then proceed to get a Nanotechnology Engineering degree, and setup a private lab near my house (but outside the potential blast radius, should anything get out of hand).
 Second, I'd look after my family and friends, make sure they all had what it took for them to get by. Give my parents something to retire on, and help my fellow academics pay for University. Even you, Mr the Lobb, if you had any problems I'd help you out too :D.

Finally, I'd set off on a world wide quest to ensure our Earth became a safer, smarter, and better place. Starting by dismantling the corporate control of governments and modifying Income tax to a flat 30%. Next, re-publicize all utilities, knockout the power and water companies. Third, ban all imports from Pacific shores for at least 5 years, to allow manufacturing to rebuild itself here in North America. Finally, I would provide government or personal subsidiaries of green technologies.

Once I had North America sorted, I'd continue on to Europe, live there, experience their culture and point of view, and then conference with their major leaders to see where my time and money could help to fix their problems. Then move on to Asia, Africa, and the Middle East (that'll be a tough one).
Essentially, if I had $100 billion, I'd fix the world, and put in place the correct people to ensure it stayed fixed.

So Lobb, is there any way I could make this more persuasive? Would a more personal tone or a more business tone be more effective?

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